The layers
Make sure the model structure is correct and does not contain unnecessary layers.
Limit the number of model layers by dividing individual parts into groups and assigning them to the appropriate layer.
Remember that each layer should contain a different name.
Remember to make the layers visible.
Combine the objects so there are no single loose surfaces.
Check the orientation of the entire model and the position of individual parts/elements.
Check the scale and units.
Maintain correct geometry structure.
Clean the model by:
- Removal of duplicates
- Removal of points
- Removal of bad objects
- Removal of curves
- Removal of text, descriptions and dimensions
- Removal of small elements
- Removal of hidden objects
Make sure the model has properly mapped surfaces.
Make sure all textures display correctly.
Use individual and unique names for the textures and materials used.Remember to use good quality textures, but we recommend using textures not exceeding 2k resolution.
Remove textures and materials not used in the design.
Save .skp file and send it to See My Model platform.